This doc describes how to replace your P1 (personal music center remote control for LS40 and 50) by MyURemote.
- MyURemote controls your Bose lifestyle 40/50 and virtually all the devices connected with it…
- MyURemote controls the additional rooms (extra zones).
- MyURemote shows live feedback from the Bose media center: Volume, Source,…
What do you need? (total cost about 160$)
- Smartphone or tablet (Android or IOS)
- Home Network
- Controller (iTach, iTach Flex or GC100 models) with serial output(RS232) (fi (recommended) Global Caché itach GC100.
- Serial Extension Cable RS232 like this.
- RS232 to TTL convertor like this.
- Specialists: Here you find more info about the Serial Data interface.
- RS232 connector to mini jack connector (click image to enlarge). This is not a standard cable, build your own using the separate 3.5mm and serial connectors:
Connect pin 5 with the shield of whatever cable you use, and connect it with the sleeve of the mini-jack.
- Bose Lifestyle 40/50 (M1 Multi-Room interface)
How does it work?
- When tapping a command button (for instance “Vol+”), the command is sent via you WiFi and router to your controller.
- The controller (fi Global Cache GC100) addresses the Bose Lifestyle via the RS232/TTL decoder to its serial port.
How do I connect my Bose with my tablet or smartphone? Physcial connection
* See: What do you need?
- Connect the controller with your LAN. If a wired connection is not possible you may use a WiFi model for example WF2SL. Click here if you need more information how to configure the wireless controllers of Global Caché
- Connect the RS232 (serial) output of your Global Caché with the RS232 to TTL convertor.
- Connect the Bose Lifestyle with the TTL output of the convertor via the RS232 to mini Jack connector.
Global Caché settings:
To open the Global Cache web-interface (settings), use iHelp and “Quick Start Guides”.
The serial data port exists on the back of the Tunerone (Multi-Room Interface).
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